15 Vietnamese Foods You Need To Try Now

By Laura Silver.

1. Pho Bo (beef Pho) and Pho Ga (chicken Pho)

A true Vietnamese favourite. Need to have them for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Great for hangovers. Broth is nutritious!”


2. Bun Bo Hue

“So many textures, perfect balance of hot, sour, sweet, salty, umami and lots of zesty herbs contrasting with earthy ones. The curly banana blossom and water spinach adds crunch. It’s perfection in a bowl and great for breakfast – it really wakens the senses”.

3. Congee – chao

“Can be made using left over rice, with any kind of broth and pimped up with left over meat, vegetables and herbs. It’s great for when you’re feeling under the weather as it nurses the body back to health – also great for breakfast”.

4. Summer rolls – Goi Cuon

“It’s a salad in a roll. Great way of eating lots of salad. So healthy! Great for snacking and lunches. It’s important to have a good dipping sauce”.

5. Fried tilapia with mango – Ca Chien

Fried tilapia with mango - Ca Chien

Uyen Luu

“Delicious in every sense, crispy fish with sour mango and a sweet, hot and savoury dressing”.

6. Bo Kho

“Such a lovely stew to use cheap cuts, warming, hearty for all seasons”

7. Mien Ga – chicken with mung bean noodle soup

“Light and fragrant for an evening snack before bed, great for eating with lots of vegetables”.

8. Bun Rieu – seafood noodle soup with tomato and egg

“Spicy, tomato umami with lots of seafood and there’s swirls of delicious egg in it. Can’t get enough of this one”.

9. Hu Tieu Nam Vang – southern noodle soup with pork and prawns

“Pho is from Hanoi – the north of Vietnam, this is the southern noodle soup”

10. Canh Chua with fish

“So good to share with someone, it’s a sweet and sour soup with crunch from beansprouts and vegetables that are added when the heat is turned off. Fish the fish out onto a plate of fish sauce and share with rice. Great for those who want to cook in one pot”.

11. Crispy pork belly with Banh Hoi

“So good on lacey noodles and pickles”.

12. Caramelised fish in coconut water – Ca Kho

“A dinner time favourite, the fish is silky and rich, soaking in flavours of coconut water, chilli, palm sugar and fish sauce”.

13. Chicken salad with onion pickle – Goi Ga

“Get the dressing right and well balanced, this is what the Vietnamese flavour is all about”.

14. Banh Mi

“Fresh and crunchy on the outside, hollow on the inside so that you can fill the baguettes with tons of grilled meat or cold cuts, pickles, herbs, chillies and cucumber. Vietnamese food is all about perfection in this and that – this truly demonstrates it – the best sandwich in the world”.

15. Banh Xeo – crepes

“To enjoy it, wrap inside a salad leaf with tonnes of herbs! Fried, crispy, light, gluten and egg free. Healthy without meaning to be – esp if you use coconut oil to fry”.


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